Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I find the driver?

    All the information you need is provided on the arrival instructions in the airport pick-up confirmation email.

    If you have booked directly with Togoto Australia, this is emailed after pre-payment is received.

    If your pick-up is provided by your school or agent they will email this information to you.

    Please read the arrival instructions prior to your arrival.

  • How do I recognise the driver?

    Our representatives will be holding our yellow and green sign which says:
    ‘Togoto Australia Overseas Students’

    They will be standing in the area described in the arrival instructions.

    If you are unsure, please call/WhatsApp the emergency phone number provided.

    Do NOT go with a driver who does not have our signage.

  • What if my flight or accomodation has changed?

    • If there are changes before your departure, please email us on with the new information

    • If there are any changes while you are travelling, you MUST contact (call / text / WhatsApp): +61 409 503 646 to tell us of these changes.

    If we don’t know about any changes, we cannot guarantee your airport pick-up! .

  • What if I need to cancel?

    Cancellations must be made 24-hours before your arrival.

    For student who book directly with Togoto -
    No refunds for ‘no shows’ – if you have booked the service, and do not arrive as booked, and do not advise us of any changes, there is no refund.

  • What luggage can I bring?

    Our vehicles can only carry:
    2 large suitcases (checked-in luggage) and
    1 carry-on bag (cabin luggage) and/or backpack for each student.


    Additional passengers are only allowed 1 large suitcases (checked-in luggage) and 1 carry-on bag (cabin luggage).

  • What if I bring too much luggage?

    TOGOTO reserves the right to refuse transport if you have more luggage than allowed.

    You would then need to find your own transport to your accommodation.

  • What if I do not use the service?

    If friends or relatives meet you at the airport, please DO NOT leave the airport until you tell your driver.

    Students who book but do not cancel or use the service are considered ‘No Show’ and incur a fee. Please contact for more information.

  • Who can be an additional passenger(s)?

    An additional passenger must be a family member (parent/sister/spouse/child) or guardian/caregiver.

    Other overseas students cannot travel as an additional passenger, they must have their own pick-up booking.

  • What if I am travelling with an additional passenger(s)?

    If you have booked an extra passenger, they will need to pay a fee. Please see your arrival instructions for more information or contact us.

    Additional passengers are only allowed 1 suitcase (checked-in luggage) and 1 carry-on bag (cabin luggage).

    If you are travelling with a child under 7-years old please inform Togoto, as they will require a child-seat.

  • Can I do shopping before I meet the driver?

    No - we do not allow time for students to buy SIM cards, change money etc.

    Please find the driver immediately after clearing customs so that you do not miss your transport.

  • I forgot something in the vehicle! What do I do?

    If you leave behind a bag or personal item in one of our vehicles please call us immediately so we can contact the driver.

    There is a AUD$50 surcharge for returning forgotten items.
    We do not guarantee same-day return of items.

  • Who can use Togoto Australia?

    We offer airport transfers for International Students only.

    Overseas students can book pick-up independently if it is not provided by the school.
    You can request a pick-up here